Missouri Behavioral Health Data

In order to best display your results, please select the type of data that you need. While only one selection can be made at a time, once finished with the search you will be given an opportunity to save the results and then return to this page to begin another.

Missouri Student Survey

I want data at the state and county levels on students in Missouri including information on substance use, mental health, bullying and fighting.

Alcohol and Drug Use Treatment

I want data at the state and county levels on the substance use disorder treatment services provided in Missouri by the Department of Mental Health.

Comprehensive Psychiatric Services Treatment

I want data at the state and county levels on the mental illness treatment services provided in Missouri by the Department of Mental Health.

Missouri Agency Data for Annual Status Report

I want data at the Missouri and county levels (where available) gathered from various Missouri agencies on topics related to substance use and mental health.

National Survey on Drug Use and Health

I want data at the regional, state, and national levels on substance use and mental health issues.

US Census

I want population estimates by age group, gender, and race/ethnicity for Missouri and Missouri counties.